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we re the president, it comes with the job. just like checking what you say and do comes with my job. i m not the one who said tariffs are a wonderful thing, you are. i m not the one is that mexico pay for the wall. you did. just like i m not the one who claimed rush i didn t metal on the 2016 election. you did. sorry don t like the facts being brought up but they are not fake, because i did. what would be fake as if i never did. if i ignored all the times you said you loved your old secretary of state rex tillerson until you didn t. had no plans to dump your homeland security secretary until you did. called chinese president xi jinping an enemy just last week and a great leader this week. sometimes you don t even wait that long. last week you expressed an appetite for background checks before arguing just hours later background checks are already strong. these aren t fake items. they are real items and you really said them, just like you never paid to silence a porn
what is the conversation on capitol hill right now about doing something about that. we saw in florida, some things fell through the tracks. . there s ban lot of conversation about it. there will be more conversations to be had about this. that is one of those things, there s an old saying, i m sorry don t remember where it came from, if you see something say something. with social mediate way it is, you see people, students probably, who knew this individual, there may have been teachers, instructors, coaches, law enforcement officials that handled this person. i don t know. the point if you see something say something. harris: they did in parkland unfortunately it didn t work out. the young woman i talked with, young student, only 15, leila butler, said when she gathered with students after this happened different from parkland is that no one had any idea who might have done this. but what you are describing is that disturbed individual, we want to press in with you,
harris: potentially. this is a child. and with your connection through your nephew having been a principal there, he may have even known this young man, he only left a couple of months ago. yes. harris: that puts a different sort of touch on this. because these are children. and that s what we felt in parklapped. when you see something say something in a broad sense, we live in new york, terrorism, heightened sensitivity. but sometimes with children not everybody displays in the same way. there will be finger pointing. we get distracted. we talk about something that republicans and democrats disagree with. harris: how do we do that? on gun control. harris: i mean you not me. those on the hill. instead of saying why don t we say eights country we aren t going to leave our kids defenseless. every hollywood actor that hates guns has armed body guards defending them. they hate guns unless the guns defend them. announce tomorrow and encourage everybody who protects our kids,
hey, where were you going with this. and put a rhyme or reason to it. harris: interesting point. some of these we have not, that person is deceased or maybe incapacitated mentally, who knows. each one has its own hallmark and everything is different. the reason i ask about the public is this, we as a wide republic are asked to do a lot with very little detail. when you talk with officials and they can t tell you about the suspect, the person of interest, i respect and understand the urgency with which they are working with information and don t want to necessarily put that in the layman s hands. but we re asked to do something, we need specifics. and even the attorney general says this is somewhat like what happened with the austin, texas bombing situation with the packages. we re going to depend on people to help us out. i m just wondering at this point, and i know i ve heard people say in your position, not a lot you can do with prevention.