They truly arent interested in what they think, yet they have enormous control over your life. You should be worried about it. You probably are worried about it. We were wrong. Rest easy, america. Weve got happy news for you tonight. Good tidings from our friends in the Academic Research community. On monday a pair of researchers from New York University in New York City released what they described as a study of social media and censorship and they didnt hide Area Conclusions in the footnote. They got to it in the title. This new paper is called false accusation, the unfounded claim that social Media Companies censor conservatives. Quite a literal study. It turns out what weve been telling you for years isnt true. Its merely an unfounded claim. No truth to it. Its all there in the paper. We read it. On page 16 we learned, yes, conservatives frequently point to twitters practice of suspending or permanently banning account holders as evidence of bias against the right. Thats true. They
You should be worried about it. You probably are worried about it. We were wrong. Rest easy, america. Weve got happy news for you tonight. Good tidings from our friends in the Academic Research community. On monday a pair of researchers from New York University in New York City released what they described as a study of social media and censorship and they didnt hide Area Conclusions in the footnote. They got to it in the title. This new paper is called false accusation, the unfounded claim that social Media Companies censor conservatives. Quite a literal study. It turns out what weve been telling you for years isnt true. Its merely an unfounded claim. No truth to it. Its all there in the paper. We read it. On page 16 we learned, yes, conservatives frequently point to twitters practice of suspending or permanently banning account holders as evidence of bias against the right. Thats true. They never stop winding. Happily the study concludes, however, facts dont support this claim. Conse
Yesterdays daily beast story reporting the indicted ukrainian love parness has been working with the Ranking Member devin nunez on mr nunez as overseas investigations i am not aware of mr chairman i asked unanimous consent to put into the record the daily beast story harness helped rep devan nunezs investigations from yesterday 1st 2 paragraphs reading left parness and indicted associate Rudy Giuliani helped arrange meetings and calls in europe for rep devan unos in 2018 harnesses lawyer ed mcmahon told the daily beast noone has a derek harvey participated in the meetings the lawyer said which were arranged to help nunezs investigative work mcmahon didnt specify what those investigations entailed objection mr chairman you have been falsely accused throughout these proceedings by the Ranking Member as being a quote unquote fact witness. Now if this story is correct the Ranking Member may have actually been projecting and in fact he have meant he may be the fact witness if he is working
[indistinct conversation] [indistinct conversation] chairman schiff the committee will come to order. The chair recognizes the Ranking Member or counsel for the first round of their questions. I thank the gentleman. I want to get a few basic facts on the table of individuals that in the 2016d election, just to see who you know and who you have met with. I will start with you, mr. Holmes. Have you met with or do you know Alexandra Chalupa . Could you put your microphone on . Mr. Holmes no. Do you know nellie ohr . Mr. Holmes no. First ohr . Mr. Holmes no. Glen simpson . Mr. Holmes no. Thank you. Same questions, dr. Hill. Alexandra chalupa . Dr. Hill no. First ohr . Dr. Hill only as a National Intelligence officer, where he attended some meetings i presided over. Years ago . Dr. Hill a long time ago. Glen simpson . Dr. Hill no. Dr. Hill, in your testimony , in your deposition, excuse me, that Christopher Steele was your counterpart at one time . Dr. Hill thats correct. You testified you
Virtual gloves, which in reality never even existed, but they still came for him, the police had serious reasons for this, the fact is that there are about 40,000, and these are no longer toys, so real police took it upon themselves to restore justice, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is kept on duty part and an honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maxim was in the studio. Before meetings on the russia24 tv channel. This is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to todays agenda. Four grenade shots, all accurate to the american m113. Members of the lavin battalion set up a real cemetery for nato equipment near the village of arkhangelskoye in the dpr. Five Armored Vehicles were knocked out in one day. What will happen if at least a couple of iskanders fly along it in the nuclear ideologist of the oran