It has been over a year since President Joe Biden delivered his victory speech thanking black voters. “You’ve always had my back, and I’ll have yours,” he said.
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Welcome to POLITICO’s West Wing Playbook,
your guide to the people and power centers in the Biden administration. With help from Allie Bice. Last month when Vice President
meet with Texas state legislators to bolster her voting rights profile, both her team and the White House’s political operation neglected to invite several who were original endorsers of
Students feel relieved, at ease after receiving COVID-19 vaccination
Michigan State student Maddie Monroe gets the COVID-19 vaccine from her car at Sparrow Laboratories Sears vaccine location March 29, 2021. Photo by Devin Anderson-Torrez | The State News
With the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility opening up to people ages 16 and older April 5, more and more Michigan State University students are getting vaccinated. Some students shared with The State News their experience and reasoning behind signing up for the shot.
Human biology sophomore George Azar received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the end of March. Azar decided to get the vaccine because he thinks in this day and age it’s more of a formality.