“The main focus of the course is to provide the Taxi Operators an understanding of the City of Thompson’s Municipal Taxi-cab bylaw, customer service and road safety,” said recreation and community services director Sonya Wiseman in a memo to mayor and council. “The position of Taxi Course Facilitator has been vacant for over 1 year, with the License Inspector filling in on a short-term basis, until the role was able to be filled externally.” The course the licence inspector offered was based on one owned by the previous taxi course facilitator, who was from Winnipeg and provided his own materials but no longer offers that service.
The proposal is to add a new part to the bylaw consisting of general prohibitions against providing or offering to provide transportation services, allowing a vehicle to be used or offered to be used to provide transport services or a person or business dispatching a vehicle unless they are in compliance with the bylaw. A fine of $500 for offering to provide transportation services contrary to the Taxicab Bylaw will also be added to the fees and fines schedules if the amendments are approved. Allowing or offering to allow a vehicle to be used for transport services or dispatching a vehicle contrary to the provisions of the bylaw would be punishable by $1,000 fines.