there is a tremendous amount of oil and gas in those three areas. two of them are open, one of them is close. yes sir do we oh voted to open in dark blue area. and we voted to open the dustin dome but again i believe the people of florida and the gulf coast that they are going to serve as host for this major industry, as you know you don t just wait a magic wand and nabrit appears in the water. there s a tremendous amount of work peter that goes into the fabrication of these facilities which by the way are quite clean today. by the way the more like the space industry than the oil and gas industry. but we believe the people along the coast should use some of those revenues for coastal restoration, for improvements to our energy ports, our general infrastructure, just like the state of wyoming and new mexico last year. wyoming received $1 billion, the people of wyoming, from sharing the revenues on federal land. we believe the coastal states should share as well so it is goin
for miles to stand and security lines to get on planes that are expensive. you do have to pay for everything which is aggravating. you could just get on a train. that is our hope. europe has done this right in america has done is wrong. we need to change. hopefully, we can. host: you recently met with judge sonya soto. what were your impressions? guest: she is an extraordinary woman and that she is so comfortable in her ability, so confident, so sure about the way the issue was brought up, so love to, so confident. she has a wonderful character and that is what i look for more and justice than anything else in a despite her critics, she does have a pretty balanced approach to many issues. what i want is one of high intellect with great passion and a great art, someone who understands that their role is to judge fairly. i think she will. host: and finally, hal is bobby jindal doing? guest: well, if he would stay home in louisiana a little more and focus on being governor. sinc