his death is able to be recorded as unlawful killing 32 years after he was injured has been given by the coroner of liverpool, andre rebello. he gave the cause of death is not only pneumonia but brain and crush injuries, which were a direct result, he said, of what happened at hillsborough. he said it was proportionate, reasonable and sufficient for him to adopt the findings of the inquest into the other 96 victims of the disaster, and as such he ruled that andrew devine had been unlawfully killed. margaret aspinall s son james devine had been unlawfully killed. margaret aspinall s sonjames died at the game. today she paid tribute to another one thinks his name should be added to the memorial behind me. that is entirely up to the family, obviously. that s a discussion between the family, whether they like his name put on this. they might have a different view. but, you know, who wants to put another name on this memorial? 96 is enough.