The Street Fighter 6 closed beta is scheduled to take place next month, spanning from October 7 through October 10. The characters that will be available during this test period are Ryu, Chun-Li, Luke, Jamie, Guile, Juri, Kimberly, and Ken .
Hands on with Street Fighter 6, checking out Ken, Juri, Kimberly and Guile with the new Modern and Classic controls. Is this the definitive fighting game?
Of the characters that have been officially revealed for Street Fighter 6, we have the least amount of footage for Guile so far. While Capcom's blog revealed that Guile had the ability to perform an diagonally upwards Sonic Hurricane .
Capcom’s next-generation fighting game Street Fighter 6 shows off the return of a Street Fighter veteran, Guile in a new gameplay trailer from Summer Game Fest.