The New College Challenge launch brought hundreds of attendees to New College of Florida campus for conversations on coastal, economic and social resilience.
The University is offering its first cross-disciplinary course focused on climate resilience and taught by a variety of key faculty members from across the institution.
The University of Miami's Climate Resilience Academy, which will officially launch on Earth Day, April 22, constructs a novel functional academic framework that is collaborative at its core and highlights the University as a loadstar for leading positive hemispheric and global change to address issues of the climate crisis, sustainability, and resilience.
The University of Miami will launch a new Climate Resilience Academy, a functional research and coordinating hub supporting the University’s academic units.
The University of Miami will launch a new Climate Resilience Academy, a functional research and coordinating hub supporting the University’s academic units and pursuing an interdisciplinary approach that links with private and public partners to solve impacts of climate change and other complex global issues.