and i wanted to stay here. it was nice and quiet i don t like noise and crowds. but the souther tud had one troll back. yard but we had to move away because we were attacked from people we knew by the way they were tie on my. back and we had just told our c.q. combo s they wanted the money we had made. the risk that their attackers would return was too great. today they re reminded of why. she really is busy collecting clubs.
thank you. thank you. thank. you thank you. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh. thank you. anyway i got hally. ties. of your cult. heads and i kind of been yeah. yeah. most have. us on my. own time when i was both all plus their food.
more broadly the conversation about modernizing after the president during the campaign, candidate donald trump talking about ripping it up. now they re approaching it more gently and saying it s been 20 something years. let s modernize. the wall and the immigration reprofessionals have our neighbor to the south rattled a little bit. other allies around the world are questioning things. one of them is going to get the first meeting. the first foreign leader to get a meeting with president trump will be theresa may, the british prime minister. they have an awesome system. the parliamentary system, the one great benefit of it, question time. she s about to head to the united states, and her critics want to send her a message. listen in. on the issue of my visit to the united states of america, on my on the issue of my visit to the united states of america, i am pleased that i am able to meet president trump so early in his administration. that is a sign of the strength of the relatio
when dr. nancy snyderman violated the involuntary you know, on my quarantine. quarantine. and later apologized. on my blog 15 seconds, we called it a bone headed move and it was embarrassing for everybody. howie, if the purpose of journalism is to give information to people, verified information they need to live better lives, i cannot condemn the media for going full boor on ebola early on. and look it, this is an administration that had given reassurances on other stuff and it wasn t right. we were told the protocols were fine and then we found out they weren t. in a way, maybe media kicked the administration and some of the other folks in the butt and limited some of the damage with