[boy] cannonball! [girl] don t. [man] not again! [burke] swan drive. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum special prosecutor and the house senate investigations of trump russian connections save your health care. will the white house and the congress get so deeply involved in dealing with those investigations that the trump agenda and the paul ryan agenda come to a complete stand still in congress, the president s firing of fbi director james comey was very unpopular, only 39% support the firing, but that s twice as much support as the president and paul ryan have for their health care bill repealing health insurance for 23 million people and the gallup tracking poll showing a small increase in the president s approval rating during his foreign trip. what does that mean the president will spend more time
free world and in the press conference following their meeting. the president maintained a sometimes confrontational tone, according to the new york times. the time reports that mr. putin is standing beside him. he accused two news organizations with ties to russia as acting as rather than true outlets. president is meeting with president putin followed president trump s insult tour of europe in which he complained about rich americans and how they are ruining america with their addiction to german cars, which he blamed entirely on germany. joining us now wendy sherman, former under secretary of state. first of all, your reaction to the president s meetings in europe and what he had to say about germany, germany trade and the total effect of his visit there.
kushner didn t suggest russian communities channel in meeting, source says. that tweet links to fox news article saying, during the meeting, the russians broached the idea of abusing a using a secure line between the trump administration and russia, not kushner, a source familiar with the matter told fox news. that follows a recent report from the washington post alleging that kushner wanted to develop a secure private line with russia. this is exactly the kind of news report that president trump called fake news in a tweet on sunday. he said whenever you see the word sources say in the fake news media and they don t mention names, it is very possible that those sources don t exist but are made up by fake news writers. fake news is the media.
you know, merkel comes from east germany. she understood what the u.s. meant to germany in terms of the change in history. she understands germany s history and how she s always going to draw back and never go too far because she knows europe will be get worried and concerned about nationalism and where it might head. paul understands the history of france as the liberty and so he has really stepped forward as very young president of france, no with lots of experience, but in a totally different way than president trump has. he has come with history, with sentiment, as you said, with a deep understanding of the importance of the relationship. and you mentioned the president s concern about automobiles, the ironny is that bmw exports more automobiles from spartanburg, california, from the united states to the rest of the world than any other auto maker in the united states. the president knows that bmws are also made in america. i want to get your reaction to secretary john kelly, wha
i think for the united states american security, the most important thing is the trance atlantic alliance, our relationship with europe. what the president did, i think, was well symbolized when all of the leaders of the g7, the largest economies in the world, took a walk in sicily and the president followed behind them in a golf cart. i think it really sum marized it all. he was aloof to them. he gave the head of the saudi arabia complete deference he wasn t going to lecture him in any way and lectured our closest allies. you say that he s now the leader of the free world. merkel is the leader of europe. the president went out of his way to push both of these leaders away when, in fact, our security depends on strong u.s. european alliance. it was fascinating to see how