Authorities on Friday banned Sri Rama Sena chief Pramod Muthalik's entry to Karnataka's Gadag district saying his visit might disturb the peace in the area.Muthalik was planning to meet Somu Gudi, an arrested activist of Sri Rama Sena in .
Muthalik was planning to meet Somu Gudi, an arrested activist of Sri Rama Sena in connection with a stabbing case that took place during the celebration of Muharram festival. Dist
District Commissioner ML Vaishali has issued orders prohibiting the entry of Muthalik till August 14 midnight to Gadag district in the view of maintaining peace, law and order. The orders have been issued as per IPC Sections 133, 143 and 144.
Muthalik was planning to meet Somu Gudi, an arrested activist of Sri Rama Sena in connection with a stabbing case that took place during the celebration of Muharram festival. Dist