Somero Enterprises, Inc. (LON:SOM – Get Free Report) crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 331.39 ($4.23) and traded as high as GBX 374 ($4.78). Somero Enterprises shares last traded at GBX 367.50 ($4.69), with a volume of 120,317 shares trading hands. […]
Somero Enterprises, Inc. (LON:SOM – Get Rating)’s stock price crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 383.91 ($4.84) and traded as low as GBX 328.75 ($4.15). Somero Enterprises shares last traded at GBX 335 ($4.23), with a volume of 100,782 shares traded. […]
Shares of Somero Enterprises, Inc. (LON:SOM – Get Rating) passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 383.91 ($4.84) and traded as low as GBX 328.75 ($4.15). Somero Enterprises shares last traded at GBX 335 ($4.23), with a volume of 100,782 shares changing […]
Somero Enterprises, Inc. (LON:SOM – Get Rating)’s share price crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 393.24 ($4.87) and traded as low as GBX 360 ($4.46). Somero Enterprises shares last traded at GBX 362.50 ($4.49), with a volume of 56,441 shares trading […]
Somero Enterprises, Inc. (LON:SOM – Get Rating) insider Anne Ellis purchased 8,000 shares of the stock in a transaction on Thursday, March 23rd. The shares were purchased at an average price of GBX 364 ($4.47) per share, with a total value of £29,120 ($35,760.78). Somero Enterprises Stock Down 0.7 % Somero Enterprises stock opened at […]