and so far they haven t been able to put that to them. what is the basis for that map, i think is going to require a lot more research to find out what data that it has been drawn from. what radar it has been drawn from. who drew it and when they drew it. they refused to confirm or deny it. they also said this sort of information is important to their investigation. the arc that it drew, if you will, of this so-called turnback certainly fits with somebody being in control of the aircraft. fits with that criminal act narrative that we hear at the moment. nic robertson, appreciate it. joining me now, author of why planes crash. david gallo, co leader for air france 447. former transportation department inspector mary schiavo. who currently represents accident victims and their families.
especially somebody being shot at. but you have to put your emotions aside. you can t let your emotions dictate what you do. so i mean, yeah, you think about it. it affects you. you still have a job to do at the end. one month earlier, leonardes was out on bail for a prior aggravated assault charge. police say he shot at three hackensack officers, who fired back, hitting leonardes 14 sometimes. a shot in my hand. shot in my arm. i m still healing up, going through a lot of pain and problems. i had open wounds. i still do. four times in my stomach. three times in my pelvic. a shot in my hip. leonardes has pled not guilty to an array of charges including three counts of attempted murder. there has been speculation he was attempting suicide by cop.
encouraged is not true. he called the shots. if you re going to be on the team to win the tour de france, you have to have a certain performance level. and if you don t have that level, you re not going to make the team. it s that simple. and when people accused him of doping, armstrong demolished them. i was a bully in the sense that i tried to control the narrative, and if i didn t like what somebody said and for whatever reasons in my own head whether i viewed that as somebody being disloyal or a friend turning on you, whatever. i tried to control that. that s a lie, they re liars. i think the public will forgive him for doping, but it s the bullying. he sidestepped questions about certain people whose lives he tried to ruin when he knew they were telling the truth. now armstrong is facing the fight of his life in the courts. he opened himself up to all sorts of charges of fraud that he defrauded the race. he defrauded the postal service.
it would have been great. who runs against him? allison grimes, the secretary of state. right now he is doing everything he cannot to have a challenge from the right and so far there isn t one on the horizon. if he does his work right, he won t get one. miss grimes is much tougher opponent. she is young and just in office and doesn t have a record. encouraged by bill clinton. right. who is apparently said that both he and secretary clinton will support her. her father former party chairman wired through the state and can put together a campaign quickly. you will not have the circus you would have ashley judd. you ll have an actual campaign and senator mcconnell s approval ratings is not what he wants. he would rather talk about somebody being from san francisco. ashleyly judd was much easier to defeat and lampoon. this is a guy who looks at his internals and see he is unpopular despite the fact it s a very conservative state. why is he unpopular? because he s a really
ring, what he was doing was accusing the people who are on his team of lying to usada. he was accusing them of perjury, accusing them of lying under oath. if last night was supposed to be lance armstrong comes clean, the lies are done, guess what? he either lied or accused people who were at his mercy when they basically worked for him with his team for the tour de france, he accused them of a federal crime. i thought a critical part, and buzz you addressed this, he discussed one of the most watched moments, one of the most pervasive complaints of his teammates and crew, that he was a bully. listen to this. i was a bully in the sense that you just that i tried to control the narrative, and if i didn t like what somebody said and for whatever reasons in my own head, whether i viewed that as somebody being disloyal or a friend turning on you or whatever, i tried to control that and say that s a lie, they re liars. and then there s this. in this clip oprah confronts lance armstron