,lh. it s wednesday, june 29th, 2011, i m chuck todd, all that ahead. fáplus, have you heard abou whole idea of financial armageddon? what would happen ifc the president simply ignored it? in fact, would it beé@ ko unconstitutional for anyone in the government to stop the government from incurring debt?r we ll get into that. anyway, let s get to the first read of the morning. president obama holds his first news conference since early april, really since march for a full-fledged one,;qw okñ11:30 i the morning in the east room, he ll talk about theçó deadlockn the growingxd debtñr and the c the president meets this afternoon on senate democratick leaders on the debt. why? they don t necessarily have the áár e. both parties are digging in with som$8ñe1entrenched positions an there s growingt( skepticism on capitol hill that the treasury department august 2nd debt