discovered that the sweatshirt was made up entirely of acrylic fibers. palenik could find no acrylic fibers on vincent holmes shirt, but he did find some on william buck s shirt. but were these fibers from the sweatshirt? most clothing isn t dyed with just one color. usually it takes a combination of colored dyes to get just the right shade. to identify the chemical makeup of the blue fibers, palenik placed them on a plate of silica gel and dipped them into a solvent. the solvent mixture travels its way up the plate. it starts to separate the dyes into individual components. sort of a gratifying moment as a scientist to see each dye separating out. the fibers were unusual. most contain three or four color mixtures.
under a microscope palenik discovered that the shirt was made up entirely of acrylic fibers. palenik could find no acrylic fibers on holmes shirt, but he did on william buck s shirt. but were these fibers from the sweatshirt? most clothing isn t dyed with just one color. usually, it takes a combination of colored dyes to get just the right shade. to identify the chemical makeup of the blue fibers, palenik placed them on a plate of silica gel and dipped them into a solvent. the solvent mixture travels its way up the plate. it starts to separate the dyes into usual components. sort of a gratifying moment as a scientist to see each dye separating out. the fibers were unusual. most contain three or four color mixtures.
you get fibers all over the place. under a microscope, palonic discovered the sweatshirt was made up entirely of acrylic fibers. palon i palonic could find no acrylic fibers on holmes shirt, but he did on william buck s shirt. but were these fibers from the sweatshirt? most clothing isn t dyed with just one color. usually, it takes a combination of colored dyes to get just the right shade. to identify the chemical makeup of the blue fibers, palonik placed them on a plate of silica gel and dipped them into a solvent. the solvent mixture travels up the plate and it starts to separate the dyes and show different components. sort of a gratifying moment as a scientist to see each dye separating out. the fibers were unusual.