that susan rice will be an excellent national security adviser to the president? well, wolf, i think it s certainly a curious choice. she s a very political lightning rod right now, and that s an odd choice for the one position that is supposed to be as nonpolitical as you can get. so i hope all of that attention and all that effort isn t distracting to her mission. because it s a critically important one. it works with congress, the national security committees, to try to solvebug problems. syria, north korea, iran. i mean, the list is pretty extentance. sooiber. all of that has to happen, and that s the one job you just don t want politics to creep into. i hope that doesn t happen. i look forward to working with her in that role. the president has the right to appoint somebody he wants to be his adviser on national security issues, and i ll work with her in that capacity. but again, i think it s curious given all of the other distractions for the administration to pick such a