troops into iraq or to have an active engagement. i think that is not the case. we know what s happening. but inaction also not a solut n solution, between do nothing and do something to have the iraqis security forces or have the government decide the situation. nic, i m sorry, i don t clearly understand what he wants, saying no one is asking for american boots on the ground but inaction won t work either. what do they want? he wants the united government. he wanted everyone to get something to make compromise. the government, national unity, a compromise over political differences today to vote for a state of emergency. he s a pragmatist, the foreign minister, not part of the political or sectarian mix-up between sunnis or shias. he has a different privilege but not the winning perspective
but practical decision. could not let that slaughter take place. he said it to your point, we have to pick and choose. you can t do it all. this was a moment in time. listen to me. with the coalition, basically humanitarian effort. neuter gadhafi, move on. imperfect but practical solut n solution. you are going to neuter a snake like that? excuse me. have you the rebels halfway across the country. now you are going to have a civil war between rebels that can t win anything on their own and gadhafi s army. you have a long-term war. people dying in the thousands. pat, there is no end. end the thing in iraq. eight years later. it is not a feasible possibility. ideal world, that s not a practical economic reality for us right now. i m not talking about our economic reality. it is to wage a third war now. we can t do it. i m looking at it as a business person. we took half the country in one week. you can take this guy out. we haven t. we the americans have done it.