Is from cock monga water agency and my experience of her is she is thoughtful and approachable and very effective. She has spent the last term as Vice President and will be the nominee for president of the coming year, so i think her presidency would be very positive and it would be my pleasure to move our support of her for that position. Ill second that motion. Um, any other discussion, comments . Any Public Comments . All those in favor of the resolution . Aye. All those opposed . The motion carries. Any other Commission Business . Moving on to the next item, please. Item 7 is report of the general manager good afternoon commissioners. First would like to start off with the drought update. Steve, Ritchie Steve ritchie general manager for water. If we can have the slides. Well look at where we are in the drought. Some are familiar, the first is level of storage in the reservoirs and hetch hetchy is 88 percent full but that is dropping now. Water bank is above 100 thousand feed at 18
Tacall to order the regular meeting of San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Today is tuesday august 11, 2015. Roll call, please president cane, here. Commissioner courtney, here. Commissioner kwon, here. Commissioner moran, here. Commissioner [inaudible]. Before you you have the minutes of july 28, 2015. Any corrections . Any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none ill call fl vote. All in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. At this time im going to call for the Public Comments of any item not on todays agenda. Have any speakers today . Okay, moving on to the next item item 5 is communications. Commissioners any comments . I do have one speaker on item 5 d. Christine hanson. Could you come forward, please . I have 2. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is Christine Hanson and im speaking to you today as a member of the save ccsf coalition. I would thrike address the Real Estate Service report of the attempt of [inaudible] along where the Mayors Office to [inaudible] Housi
Commissioner kwon, here. Commissioner moran, here. Commissioner [inaudible]. Before you you have the minutes of july 28, 2015. Any corrections . Any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none ill call fl vote. All in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. At this time im going to call for the Public Comments of any item not on todays agenda. Have any speakers today . Okay, moving on to the next item item 5 is communications. Commissioners any comments . I do have one speaker on item 5 d. Christine hanson. Could you come forward, please . I have 2. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is Christine Hanson and im speaking to you today as a member of the save ccsf coalition. I would thrike address the Real Estate Service report of the attempt of [inaudible] along where the Mayors Office to [inaudible] Housing Development at the bal bola reservoir. It is claimed on one end by the sfpuc and on the onet end city college is in deed still one parcel. The u. S. And history has been intertwined
None ill call fl vote. All in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. At this time im going to call for the Public Comments of any item not on todays agenda. Have any speakers today . Okay, moving on to the next item item 5 is communications. Commissioners any comments . I do have one speaker on item 5 d. Christine hanson. Could you come forward, please . I have 2. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is Christine Hanson and im speaking to you today as a member of the save ccsf coalition. I would thrike address the Real Estate Service report of the attempt of [inaudible] along where the Mayors Office to [inaudible] Housing Development at the bal bola reservoir. It is claimed on one end by the sfpuc and on the onet end city college is in deed still one parcel. The u. S. And history has been intertwined between ccsf and the Water Department for decades rchlt i document written by joans and stokes entitled common sequa mistakes [inaudible] to declare a parking lot full of car suhr plus is
Favor . Opposed . The motion carries. At this time im going to call for the Public Comments of any item not on todays agenda. Have any speakers today . Okay, moving on to the next item item 5 is communications. Commissioners any comments . I do have one speaker on item 5 d. Christine hanson. Could you come forward, please . I have 2. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is Christine Hanson and im speaking to you today as a member of the save ccsf coalition. I would thrike address the Real Estate Service report of the attempt of [inaudible] along where the Mayors Office to [inaudible] Housing Development at the bal bola reservoir. It is claimed on one end by the sfpuc and on the onet end city college is in deed still one parcel. The u. S. And history has been intertwined between ccsf and the Water Department for decades rchlt i document written by joans and stokes entitled common sequa mistakes [inaudible] to declare a parking lot full of car suhr plus is to [inaudible] with the common