Hey everyone, we have a new enemy ship called Aegis, which belongs to the Dominion faction! Aegis is a support class ship, equipped with a force generator at the front. Once deployed, it activates a protection dome that repairs friendly ships and slows.
Hey everyone, we have a new enemy ship called Vanquisher, which belongs to the Dominion faction! At the front, the Vanquisher is armed with a long-ranged prism ray cannon, which deals continuous damage to its enemies. The beam grows stronger over time.
Hey everyone, we have a new enemy ship called Centurion, which belongs to the Dominion faction! It s armed with a frontal shield that can rotate 180 degrees, protecting itself and its allies from incoming projectiles. Furthermore, its shield also serves.
Hey everyone, meet Preacher Xenith, the Founder of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Revival Church of Ziti! Since Solar Sails: Space Pirates has officially integrated the Flying Spaghetti Monster into the game, Xenith found particularly interesting the way.