sweeter. it would issue them solar renewable energy certificates each month every month the power company will purchase them and pass the costs on to the other customers. on average we were getting 7-per month back. we could walk away with 150,000 dollars in profit. we should start getting checks in 3-4 months but they will back date it from where the system comes on. the first check will be between 24 and 2,500 dollars. would they have installed the allen brother solar shingle system without their fellow tax payer picking up the tab? no. without reet bait it wouldn t make any sense to do. they told us without these subsidies paying for the installation it wouldn t make any sense for them to do it. you agree with that? at this point. there s still a lot of work to do to get to the business to be sufficie self sufficient. they say they are creating jobs and that s what s good for the country.