autobiography to orphans. who paying my student loans. i was recently looking at that famous jfk inauguration speech. ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. i great line, right? [ applause ] really, a gutsy line for a politician. think about it. it s his first day in the office. he says my fellow americans, don t look at me. you want something done, do it yourself. that is refreshing isn t it? that s what i want to hear more of. from now on, when i m looking at candidates, i only have one thing on my wish list. give me this one thing and all the other things fall in place. give me freedom. it s sad that we have to say that. it supposed to be a given. remember the constitution? the first amendment is all about freedom. there s a reason the founding fathers put it first. thanks all the while of white guys. [ applause ] the bureaucrats in charge said freedom is great. it would have to wait. we re in a climate crisis. we re in a health
sun s rays. but then the white house clarified by saying there are no plans underway to establish a comprehensive research program focused on solar radiation modification. good. but not just the sun, fireworks are under attack this weekend, environmental party poopers in los angeles got their way by instituting new regulations on firework shows over the water. to get a permit shows must demonstrate how they will keep pollutantses out of the water, one company flat out refused to comply. if that is not enough, climate activists suggest using less ice in your holiday cocktail. to help save the plane planet. a lot to unpack. raymond. i understand we have droughts and wildfires, it gets ne nerve-racking with the fireworks, i understand that. and i understand chemicals from firework shows but to 2020 last time you had legislators in karine jean-pie california saying you can t do fireworks. if the l.a. regional water control board had their minds in the right place and were wor
sun s rays. but then the white house clarified by saying there are no plans underway to establish a comprehensive research program focused on solar radiation modification. good. but not just the sun, fireworks are under attack this weekend, environmental party poopers in los angeles got their way by instituting new regulations on firework shows over the water. to get a permit shows must demonstrate how they will keep pollutantses out of the water, one company flat out refused to comply. if that is not enough, climate activists suggest using less ice in your holiday cocktail. to help save the pla planet. a lot to unpack. raymond. i understand we have droughts and wildfires, it gets n nerve-racking with the fireworks, i understand that. and i understand chemicals from firework shows but to 2020 last time you had legislators in karine j california saying you can t do fireworks. if the l.a. regional water control board had their minds in the right place and were worried about
needs help there. stunning new report comes from the new york times and details how biden administration is seeking to maintain the president s family man persona before the 2024 election. and it comes just days after hunter biden settled his years long child support case over his estranged 4-year-old daughter. the deal lets hunter off the hook for tens of thousands of child support payments, dollars i should say. it also stops his daughter navy from using biden as a last name. but hunter did agree to give his daughter some of his paintings. well, what more could a little girl want? the new york times headline describes the ordeal as hunter biden s daughter in a tale of two families. and it reads the story surrounding the president s grandchild in arkansas who is not yet met her father or grandfather is about money, politics and what it means to have the biden birth rite. the report goes on to reveal president biden s public image is centered around his devotion to
of insane liberal crime policies. i guess folks got tired of living in a crime-ridden nightmare where you constantly have to dodge gunfire inside your own home. maybe businesses didn t like their stuff being looted in a smash-and-grab. we know her atrocious track record, murder, robbery, theft. it seems obvious to everybody why she lost. but she is blaming it on sexism and racism. i think she did a bang-up job. i m grateful that we work together to remove a record number of guns off of our streets, reduced homicides, and started making real progress of public safety. we fought the right fights, and we put the city on a better path. in the end, you don t always win every battle. but you never regret taking on the powerful and bringing in the light. jesse: if you are worried about her future, don t, lori has other skills to fall back on. all right come against my better judgment, i will go to you first, jessica. [laughter] tell us what this means for the democratic part