of coming to the table to get an agreement for the american people. jillian: people are frustrated because they don t see a end insight. let s look at the number of presidential addresses from the oval office and you see president obama had three, reagan with 33 and carter with sweetened. you can see the whole list. are you surprised, were you surprised this topic was donald trump s first? what any be surprised watching campaign rallies to see the first address from the oval office? i don t think so. so many people including myself criticized the president for using twitter too much for being too brash, having off-the-cuff remarks. isn t it nice to hear a relatively softball speech from the president instead of that? should democrats be praising that? from my perspective i thought it was a step forward but the next step is we need to end this government shutdown. it hasn t been good for the economy and people are frustrated.
all right. why last month when republicans are debating and cnn was handl handling that debate was it encouraged candidates fight amongst themselves and why tonight at the democratic candidates debates, it s forebo foreboten? why is that? that s not fair, ashley, that s not balanced. noy it s not, neil. i like how you said softball speech. it will be a softball debate. fine. they should have had the same thing for the last debate. that s being consistent. the host the last time for the three hour debate, three hours long and this one is only two, another discrepancy there. at the same time, they made sure to ask very pointed questions to each candidate about what another candidate said about the other. that, to me, is directly pinning