may have found that you re more likely to be bumped or canceled. sometimes you just see it in little details like when you re in a fast food establishment, how many of the soda machines are broken. how many buttons of the soda fountain don t work. when you re trying to get a contractor to come work on your house, it seems like they re less responsive than they normally are. many of these changes like adjustments to customer service are hard to measure with traditional metrics of inflation, which means it s hard for customers to see how much they re actually losing out. what s happened in 2020 and 2021 is that a lot of products have changed very suddenly. so you have a lot of destructive things happening at once. so shadow inflation or secret pay cut? and what can workers do to make sure they re getting their money s worth? for now, it s a bit of a gamble.
people that came out of the big chain hotel market and moved into residential due to either being fired or they didn t feel that they wanted to go off on their own. and as far as inflation goes, it s really just the gas prices and then the equipment and all of that. reporter: many other businesses across the marketplace also cutting costs to keep up. when it comes 0 airfares, you might have found you re more likely to be bumped or canceled, sometimes you just see it as little details like when you re in a fast food establishment, how many of the soda machines are broken or buttons on the soda fountain don t work? if you re trying to get a contractor to come work on your house, it seems like they re even less responsive than they normally are. reporter: but many of these changes like adjustments to customer service are hard to measure with traditional metrics of inflation.