10:49 AM, 5th May 2021 Solvay s soda ash plant in Rheinberg, Germany. The company announced plans to completely phase out use of thermal coal at the plant and has commissioned a biomass boiler to go into operation in May 2021.
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: Solvay announced plans to completely phase out the use of thermal coal at its soda ash plant in Rheinberg, Germany. After commissioning a first biomass boiler, which will go into operation in May 2021, Solvay is unveiling plans to build a second biomass boiler, which will complete the thermal coal phase-out by 2025 and make Rheinberg the first soda ash plant in the world to be powered primarily by renewable energy. Both biomass boilers use scrap waste wood chips - a mixture of used wood, from industrial residues and demolition - as fuel to produce steam and electricity.