More News div class lw news image span class lw item thumb a href /live/news/280-emory-henry-college-opens-interfaith-prayer img src /live/image/gid/83/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src region/0,0,3200,2133/3171 InterfaithPrayerRoom16 2.rev.1518211260.jpg alt Student Safa Farhoumand helps dedicate the Interfaith Prayer Room. class lw image width 345 height 225 srcset /live/image/scale/2x/gid/83/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src region/0,0,3200,2133/3171 InterfaithPrayerRoom16 2.rev.1518211260.jpg 2x, /live/image/scale/3x/gid/83/width/345/height/225/crop/1/src region/0,0,3200,2133/3171 InterfaithPrayerRoom16 2.rev.1518211260.jpg 3x data-max-w 3200 data-max-h 2133 /a /span /div div class lw widget text h4 class lw news headline a href /live/news/280-emory-henry-college-opens-interfaith-prayer Emory & Henry College Opens Interfaith Prayer Room /a /h4 div class lw news summary p Equipped with chairs, tables, prayer rugs and religious texts, a roo