somehow rational to reject common sense and public health. and that s what we are going see, two americas, vaccinated and unvaccinated. i feel sorry for those people. but i m not sure what there is to do about it. they are just showing themselves to be increasingly off the wall stupid. and i don t know what else to say about it medically speaking, so to speak. tim, dr. redlener used two terms that folks like you and i throw around in politics all the time. haves and have-nots. and sort of people two americas. and it usually separates it usually describes a socioeconomic divide. it describes access to education. it describes sometimes includes large s.w.a.t.s of gender and race. this time the only thing that separates the haves and the have
as of this morning nearly 40% of americans are fully vaccinated. as vaccinations increase, so too, though, do the disparities among americans willing to get the vaccine. cnn senior political writer harry enton to explain the split you re seeing. socioeconomic divide really. a big socioeconomic divide. so take a look, these are the top 25 vaccinated states by poverty status. a lot of yellow. that means below average. that means the states that have the lowest poverty levels have the heist vaccination rates. in fact, only two, new york and new mexico have above average poverty status for those in the top vaccinated states. so we re seeing not necessarily surprising pattern. i said hesitancy and willingness to get the vaccine. we don t know that. this a case it s people just not