Tharaka Nithi County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for April 2021
Biophysical Indicators
▪ Onset of rainfall was on the 1st week of April. An average Rainfall of 310.8 mm was recorded which was above the normal range. Heavy downpour was witnessed in selective areas of Marimanti, Kamanyaki, Tunyai, and Gatunga which caused flooding and affected transport. Status of water sources improved and was above the normal range due to improved recharge level of above 100%. However, there was increased contamination of water which affected the quality especially in piped water of Marimanti town.
▪ The overall vegetation cover across the County showed remarkable improvement due to enhanced rains which increased regeneration of pasture and browse.
Embu (Mbeere) County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for March 2021
Biophysical Indicators
▪ The MAM rainfall onset was delayed and
started in the 3rd week of March, the rainfall was
unevenly distributed and sporadic in both
livelihood zones.
▪ The vegetation greenness was above normal
though the VCI reduced from last month.
▪ Pasture and browse conditions are at fair to
poor. This is a declining trend
Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators
▪ Livestock body condition was good to fair
though on a declining trend.
▪ Milk production was above normal.
Access Indicators
▪ Milk consumption was below normal.
▪ Water distances increased for both households