Killed by a progressive activist last summer, reid openly wondered if we should hope for his recovery. Watch. Its a delicate thing because obviously everyone is wishing the congressman well and hoping that he recovered, but Steve Scalise has a history that weve all been forced to sort of ignore on race. He did come to leadership after some controversy over attending a White Nationalist event, which he says he didnt know what it was. He also cosponsored a bill to amend the constitution to define marriage as between a man on the woman. Because he is in jeopardy and everybody is pulling for him, are we required in a moral sense to put that aside at the moment . Tucker so when joy reid accuses you of harboring racist thoughts, trust me, its projection. Its also a political tactic. Reid cant explain why this country is so badly needs to import millions of additional poor people. Nobody on the left can explain that because theres no real answer, so they attempt to shortcircuit the conversati
country, who chooses our government, who shapes our future. it s hard to think of a public-policy topic more central to everything. we tried our best to discuss immigration reasonably and with civility. most of the time we succeed, not all, but we try. we try to make a rational case with what we think ought to be done. we like immigration policies that favor the american middle class over foreign countries, corporate elites and lobbyists. we think that laws passed by our congress ought to be respected and enforced, not marked and ignored by our own leaders. we believe that america is an actual place, not just in abstract idea, a distinct country change when it comes ought to be thoughtful and incremental. we owe that to the people who already live here, people of all colors and backgrounds. we are suspicious of efforts to remake our society wholesale, especially just so a small group can feel virtuous or have cheaper nannies. any change is hard. if demographic change especially
it s hard to think of a public-policy topic more central to everything. we tried our best to discuss immigration reasonably and with civility. most of the time we succeed, not all, but we try. we try to make a rational case with what we think ought to be done. we like immigration policies that favor the american middle class over foreign countries, corporate elites, and lobbyistsi we think that laws passed by our congress ought to be respectedri and enforced, not marked and ignored by our own leaders. we believe that america iske an actual place, not just an abstract idea, a distinct country change when it comes ought to be thoughtful and incremental. we owe that to the people who already live here, people of all colors and backgrounds. we are suspicious of efforts to remake our society wholesale, especially just so a small group can feel virtuous or have cheaper nannies. any change is hard. demographic change especiallyav is hard. let s stop lying about that.