The Reform Party lost one percentage point in support over the past week, according to a recent party preferences survey. Reform remains the most-supported party, followed by the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE), whose rating moved in the opposite direction over the past week as it gained close to one percentage point in support.
Support for the coalition Social Democrats (SDE) in August grew more than any of the other major political parties in Estonia, and is now just 1.5 percentage points behind non-parliamentary party Eesti 200, according to the combined results from the three major market research companies who conduct regular party rating surveys in Estonia.
The coalition Reform Party retains its buoyant level of support, while non-parliamentary Eesti 200 is continuing to see a fall, according to a recent survey.
The coalition Social Democratic Party (SDE) has seen its popularity with voters rise since it entered office with Reform and Isamaa last month, and now outstrips the latter party and also the non-parliamentary Eesti 200, according to a recent survey.
Coalition party Isamaa has risen to fourth place in terms of popularity with Estonian voters this past week, according to a recent survey. Isamaa is slightly ahead of the non-parliamentary Eesti 200.