the former president is stunning. now, think of the nearly of nonstoarp negative coverages trump s given by the regime reg media. so i m thinking to myself today, imagine what this poll might look likhis polle if the s were even a smidge fair. times and other new york times dalling data spells doompo for the democrats as well. in the generic ballot, b republicans now holdrepublic a r point lead over democrats. that s a five point swingptembe. toward the gop since september. it s devastating and perhapst of most significant. there s a lot of significant stuff in this pollf in. the biggest shift came from women who identified as independent voters in september. they favored democrats by 14s pn points. now, independent women backedo u republican by 18 points. i thought thatt was a typo, bu it s not on top of that. almost two thirds of americans 64%.eve are going in the wrong direction. sixty four percent now at this point, i think it s good to to remember where things lookre b
push, is this ever greater demand for ultimately socialmaty control movement, free sexpression of people all arou. the world? explain tha t. ly well, that s right.e change t i mean, obviously, ifd be they really cared about climate power an change, it would be in favor ofa nuclear power and natural gas. . natural gas is the main reasonns that us carbon emissions declined more thansis declin thr declined anywhere in the world. between twenty five and 2020wori 22% decline in america s carbon emissions. g that was basically because of the fracking revolution, making gas so cheap and replacinge clit coal. but because climate activists have so attacked the natural gas and oil industry, reducingg overall investment the sector by half, it s actually resulted in the biggest year this yeaby r for coal. so there s a resurgence of coal because climate activists have e repressed a much cleaner fuel. and you ll never going tots believe what your old pal gavin newsom is blaming. blaming now fo