Parenting on the Go: Episode 3
Cost: Free
San Diego Children s Discovery Museum presents Parenting on the Go, Episode 3: Gaming - How Play Helps Grown-Ups Learn about Kids. Playing house, shooting hoops, and building tall towers play a pivotal role in the way children learn and understand the world around them. In fact, playing games with your child can provide critical insight into the way they learn and enhances skills necessary for their development. Join the Museum’s Director of Education, Whitney Raser, as she speaks with Dr. Kimberly Vanderbilt, an Associate Professor of Psychology at California State University San Marcos and Director of the CSUSM ROCKSTAR (Research On Children s Knowledge of Social Thinking And Reasoning) Lab, about the importance of game-play for children. During this bite-sized conversation, you’ll learn what games tell us about how kids learn and how you can use games to help you child practice real-world skills.