overdue to be increased. bret: i know you are a gas tax proponent for 35 years i don t think it s going to go anywhere because there is so much resistance in congress but it s what we need. the french foreign minister said 30 years ago when talking about the budget deficits and the debt of the united states said what a country where you could solve its problems with a 50-cent gas tax. this has been sitting out there forever. bret: for the people who say this is regressive and hits the poor more. there is regressive. i ve advocated for years that you do two things at once. you have a huge gas tax, a dollar a gallon, and then you immediately refunded by lowering the rate of the social security tax. it works out to a $14 a week extra expense on gas and you get it back by lowering your withholding, so nobody is held
[laughter] i just saw the cato institute study in preparation for this appearance. these undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes per capita than citizens do. you could argue that undocumented immigrants moving into the community makes it safer per capita than it was when they moved in. i know those arguments fall on deaf ears.er i know there is an instinctive revulsion about people who are here without permission. sean: for example, in fiscal year 2015, 36.6% of over 70,000 federal sentences for crimes committed by illegals, that does not jibe with your statistics. you know what these crimes are, by and large? these aren t violent crimes. these are crimes where i want to work i m here without documentation. i get a fake social security card, a federal felony! i pay social security tax into d state social security account, this is money i m paying in but no chance of redeeming.
[laughter] i just saw the cato institute study in preparation for this appearance. these undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes per capita than citizens do. you could argue that undocumented immigrants moving into the community makes it safer per capita than it was when they moved in. i know those arguments fall on deaf ears. i know there is an instinctive revulsion about people who are here without permission. sean: for example, in fiscal year 2015, 36.6% of over 70,000 federal sentences for crimes committed by illegals, that does not jibe with your statistics. you do with these crimes are, by and large? these aren t violent crimes. these are crimes where i want to work i m here without documentation. i get a fake social security card, a federal felony! i pay social security tax into a state social security account,
age, but i don t think cutting benefits or raising taxes is an answer at all. let me ask you about this, you have the scenario where someone reaches $118,500 in income, they don t pay any social security tax. higher income earners are off the hook. so why not generate revenue by raising the taxable income? i think there will be a lot of proposals looked at to bring it in line. most important thing is that social security is a safety net, and it is something that people can count on having because it is the largest part of most people s retirement. i think there will be a lot of issues looked at, what you bring up certainly, and many other things. i think very gradually raising the age is the most important thing to get it into an actuarial soundness and then
that they ll be motivated to vote for a candidate like donald trump. probably donald trump because i think that he will be the republican nominee. let me just take for 15 seconds the other side of the story. remember the undocumented immigrants, the 11 million or more who are here, they do pay a lot in taxes and let me explain how. according to the congressional budget office, they pay more into the federal treasury than they take out. they pay sales tax. they pay property tax. they pay gift tax. they pay income tax to phony accounts. they pay social security tax to accounts that are bogus that they have no hope of ever redeeming. they do the three ds, they do the demeaning, the dirty, the dangerous jobs that most americans don t want to do. poultry processing, for example. we re outsourcing our poultry processing to china now because we can t find the people to do it here. this is a population, the vast majority of whom are hard working and law abiding.