into huge prisons because, you know, that s coming. she also announced her oath keeper s membership at a candidates forum in february. i call myself an oath keeper. but now that sharon engel has won the republican senate primary, she s issued a clarification. i m not a member of oath keepers, however i keep my oath of office to protect, defend and support the constitution. see? she is a keeper of oaths, not a capital o capital e oath keeper. then there s social security. we need to phase medicare and social security out. privatizing social security is so unpopular you couldn t sell it to the public if you called it the basket of puppies and sky full of rainbows bill.
she also announced her membership at a candidate s forum in february. i call myself an oath keeper. but now that sharon engel has won the republican senate primary, she s issued a clarification. i m not a member of oath keepers, however i keep my oath of office to protect, defend and support the constitution. see, she s a keeper of oaths s shs, not a oath keeper. word order matters. as do capital letters. then there s social security. we need to phase medicare and social security out. privatizing social security is so unpopular you couldn t sell it to the public if you called the basket of puppies and sky full of rainbows bill. she will not give up or back down. the idea of privatized and
targets to their 2010 list, including michele bachmann s seat here in minnesota. with us tonight, sam stein, political reporter, huffington post and karen hanretty, republican strategist. grade to have both of you tonight. let s take a look at harry reid s commercial, his attack ad on sharron angle in nevada. social security. it means independence, a secure income. but shockingly, sharron angle wants to wipe out social security. we need to phase medicare and social security out. she would cut benefits for everyone coming into the system. that s sharron angle. first a scientology plan to give massages to prisoners. now she wants to get rid of medicare and social security. what s next? karen hanretty, their camp, sharron angle s camp has said that s a deceptive ad. what do you make of it. i think it s interesting. there s a couple of dynamics
social security out. she cut benefits for everyone coming into the system. that s sharon angle. first a plan to give massages to prisoners and now get rid of medicare and social security. what s next? now, angle s campaign calls it a deception saying all current benefits would still be there for seniors. that she wants to start fazing out the program and doing all terntives going forward. angle s got a huge financial problem. reid has a $9 million war chest. angle starts from scratch basically and she has to rely on third-party groups and the first one to jump in post primary is from american crossroads. this is a group that is basically funded by karl rove and ed gillespie, two former chief bush administration officials running around the country trying to raise money for the group. they haven t raised a lot yet but they do have enough to spend