people that are unlike you is something that has changed a lot of attitudes and has put us on a path to complete dr. king s dream. we re not there, but we re on a path, victoria. what we see is not just the changing demographics, but we re also seeing a blending of individuals. what we call the modern family, as barack obama was referring to. his family is a blended family. my family is a blended family. so it s not just a matter of the statistics that the people are changing. we re seeing it in our communities, our neighbors, our family members are also changing. and additionally, we know from social psychology research that when you interact with minorities or with people of a different group, you tend to start to see things on a more personal level, and racial intolerance starts to go down. so the numbers are pushing people to get to know one another and be more tolerant. you know, as we see these attitudes around race, around
a few called police and that s about it nobody came out of the building to help her. bottom line there is something called the bystander effect which asserts it s social psychology research upheld in clinical trials and it asserts that people will do no more than others do for a person they see as suffering if it s in a public setting. so in this kind of setting you can imagine the number of people present infinite and people around in buildings and town houses so people will do no more than anyone else. and what s more there is something called the diffusion effect which is they feel they shouldn t do any more than their part. that they should only participate as much as the group does. i think that s what leads people to do so little. and andrew, let s move on to the legal issue. we ll get back to the why. could there also be something in this that people walk by and they want to help but they are actually worried about their own liability? right. if they move them and something
about it nobody came out of the building to help her. bottom line there is something called the bystander effect which asserts it s social psychology research upheld in clinical trials and it asserts that people will do no more than others do for a person they see as suffering if it s in a public setting. so in this kind of setting you can imagine the number of people present infinite and people around in buildings and town houses so people will do no more than anyone else. and what s more there is something called the diffusion effect which is they feel they shouldn t do any more than their part. that they should only participate as much as the group does. i think that s what leads people to do so little. and andrew, let s move on to the legal issue. we ll get back to the why. could there also be something in this that people walk by and they want to help but they are actually worried about their own liability? right. if they move them and something happens or something goes wrong