they didn t show anybody eat it though. no, it escaped. it ran off. he is a vegetarian. have i to ask you. you are the twitter and social network expert. isn t it twitter s fault? should twitter be banned? no, absolutely not. this man made ignorant statements. when you are a celebrity, you have to become a brand to stay relevant, and he is a brand. it is like any other strategic partnership when somebody endorses you, they want you because they want your audience and they want to get in front of your audience. if you do something that can affect their brand and ruin their reputation, cut ties, divorce them, get away from them. i completely agree with champion sports. the vision of under hanes. exactly. i am a big fan of hanes. but there is something
they didn t show anybody eat it though. no, it escaped. it ran off. he is a vegetarian. have i to ask you. you are the twitter and social network expert. isn t it twitter s fault? should twitter be banned? no, absolutely not. this man made ignorant statements. when you are a celebrity, you have to become a brand to stay relevant, and he is a brand. it is like any other strategic partnership when somebody endorses you, they want you because they want your audience and they want to get in front of your audience. if you do something that can affect their brand and ruin their reputation, cut ties, divorce them, get away from them. i completely agree with champion sports. the vision of under hanes. exactly. i am a big fan of hanes.
they didn t show anybody eat it though. no, it escaped. it ran off. he is a vegetarian. have i to ask you. you are the twitter and social network expert. isn t it twitter s fault? should twitter be banned? no, absolutely not. this man made ignorant statements. when you are a celebrity, you have to become a brand to stay relevant, and he is a brand. it is like any other strategic partnership when somebody endorses you, they want you because they want your audience and they want to get in front of your audience. if you do something that can affect their brand and ruin their reputation, cut ties, divorce them, get away from them. i completely agree with champion sports. the vision of under hanes. exactly. i am a big fan of hanes. but there is something about men who just shouldn t twitter in their underwear or
following tweet, quote, what kind of person celebrates death. it is amazing how people can hate a man they have never even heard speak. we only heard one side, and then there was this ditty on the 9/11 conspiracy theories. we never know what happened. i have a hard time learning that they could take a sky scraper down. this is not really about the money. it is about whether he can express his opinion. meanwhile the world wants to know what is on mendenhall s off season menu? they didn t show anybody eat it though. no, it escaped. it ran off. he is a vegetarian. have i to ask you. you are the twitter and social network expert. isn t it twitter s fault?