mature enough to deal with the largely unfair media and a changing electorate. the harsh truth is that anyone seeking power in america will be brutalized. the social media sewer, overflowing with personal attacks and false information. the establishment press also a problem. it has agendas all day long, race, gender, ideology, personal animus, all of those can lead to unfair attacks. these days those who would be president have to be able to turn those attacks around. here s a great example. during last campaign, presidential contender newt gingrich was hit with an allegation by an ex-wife that he wanted an open marriage. gingrich denied it. nevertheless, cnn headlined the allegation in the south carolina debate. mr. speaker, i want to start with that this evening. as you know your ex-wife gave an interview to abc news and another interview
he or she also has to be mature enough to deal with the largely unfair media and a changing electorate. the harsh truth is that anyone seeking power in america will be brutalized. the social media sewer, overflowing with personal attacks and false information. the establishment press also a problem. it has agendas all day long, race, gender, ideology, personal animus, all of those can lead to unfair attacks. these days those who would be president have to be able to turn those attacks around. here s a great example. during last campaign, presidential contender newt gingrich was hit with an allegation by an ex-wife that he wanted an open marriage. gingrich denied it. nevertheless, cnn headlined the allegation in the south carolina debate. mr. speaker, i want to start with that this evening. as you know your ex-wife gave an interview to abc