Planning permission granted by Kerry County Council for an extension to the Áiseanna na hÓige childcare and family support centre in Dingle has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála by Social Housing Company, who say they have decided to “return the favour” because of an earlier planning objection by Áiseanna na hÓige.
Social housing tenants at Willowdene Village in Fairview are fuming over a nightmarish mould problem that is allegedly causing them to fall sick at an alarming rate.
Planning permission has been granted for 91 houses and apartments in Dingle.Kerry County Council granted permission to the Social Housing Company, with an addre.
Cap-Haitien : Communal Development Plan - Failures of the international community - The Minister of Culture in Montreal - Discussion with the US Chargé d Affaires - Assassination of former Senator Buissereth : Words of sympathy.