Say, an informal collection i have been making over the years which i know is the unsayable truths behind the scenes in politics that sometimes our problem is that are just too hot to solve all that successive governments have often not had the space, time, majority, money, or maybe the courage to crack. Courage to crack. Basically, the Difference Courage to crack. Basically, the difference between courage to crack. Basically, | the difference between what courage to crack. Basically, the difference between what you would do if you are building a new house with the blueprint or doing a fixer upper. I new house with the blueprint or doing a fixer upper. Doing a fixer upper. I think that is a doing a fixer upper. I think that is a good doing a fixer upper. I think that is a good way doing a fixer upper. I think that is a good way of doing a fixer upper. I think i that is a good way of putting it, or, there is a lot of you Wouldnt Start here. If i it, or, there is a lot of you Wouldnt Sta
I am goIng to say we wIll fIx thIs wIth the I am goIng to say we wIll fIx thIs wIth the small steps, we wIll make the long Term Change. Ill accept your challenge. A long Term Change takes your challenge. A long Term Change takes too your challenge. A long Term Change takes too long to tell me what youte takes too long to tell me what youre goIng to do thIs chrIstmas because youre goIng to do thIs chrIstmas because we wIll have nhs crIsIs, the trouble because we wIll have nhs crIsIs, the trouble Is, because we wIll have nhs crIsIs, the trouble Is, the last ten years, we have trouble Is, the last ten years, we have gone trouble Is, the last ten years, we have gone round and round In cIrcles have gone round and round In cIrcles so have gone round and round In cIrcles. So we do short Term Stuff to cIrcles. So we do short Term Stuff tojust cIrcles. So we do short Term Stuff tojust about get cIrcles. So we do short Term Stuff to just about get the nhs for the wInter to just about get the nhs
InterestIng. He has not been asked to set out the cure of the treatment. We have got some expectatIon. He Is also goIng set out that there Is a choIce. We know about the three shIfts. We know about the three shIfts. We know about the three shIfts. We know hospItals are such that It mIght not goIng to get such a bIg slIce of the pIe. These are bIg broad Ideas, we dont have rIght now Is any specIfIcs on how they are goIng to do thIs. They are sayIng nhs need to reform or dIe. They feel partIcularly pertInent to the fIrst sessIon thIs mornIng. We also promIse attendees and agenda packed full of InterestIng and InfluentIal speakers and relevant content. I thInk we have delIvered on that thIs mornIng. It Is my honour to welcome the PrImer SIr keIr starmer, the sectIon of state for health and SocIal Care and the other members of our health and SocIal Care mInIsterIal team. It absently steps out the challenges we face. We know that servIces are stretched to breakIng poInt, staff are strugglIn
Can see that they are all exposed to the vacuum of space. All four of them are effectively doing an eva, said this is the first time that this is the first time that this has ever happened. Sarah will soon unbuckle her straps and do what jared will soon unbuckle her straps and do Whatjared Isaac will soon unbuckle her straps and do what jared Isaac Man will soon unbuckle her straps and do whatjared Isaac Man has done and make her way up to the Nose Cone. Jared is back inside. We heard him jared is back inside. We heard him going jared is back inside. We heard him going through what is called him going through what is called the test matrix, it is basically called the test matrix, it is basicallyjust a bunch of manoeuvres using different hands, manoeuvres using different hands, the foot mobility. Right hands, the foot mobility. Right now we are doing. You just right now we are doing. You just heard right now we are doing. You just heard arthur call out, we didnt just heard arthur call o