Politics and the art of rigging
Despite his numerous noble endeavours and charisma, Imran failed to translate them into his political power
The writer is a social activist who is the National Coordinator for Pattan Development Organisation. The views expressed here are his own.
Like in the past the opposition parties are still part of the system. Despite that, past opposition parties were always coerced and their leaders jailed. In retaliation, they would hold protest rallies and conspired with the establishment to overthrow the incumbent. And succeed. What appears to have changed now is, that unholy equation.
In this regard, Maulana Fazlur Rahman’s statement is amazing: “Generals should stop supporting the government and declare this is not our government, we will then be brothers.” That reminds me of late Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan and Benazir Bhutto during September-October 1999 when they were running the anti-Nawaz Sharif movement.