general to look into alexander acosta. if you ll recall, he was federal prosecutor in miami when he made this deal to let this multimillionaire basically off the hook, almost. epstein. yeah, jeffrey epstein. that story keeps coming back. yesterday, big news coming out of my home state of new hampshire, secretary of state, bill gardener, the longest serving secretary of state in the entire country, now in his 22nd term, he just got reelected yesterday by the lawmakers there in a 209 to 205 vote. very close. but he has been setting, as the secretary of state, and has the authority for the new hampshire primary and has made sure it s remained first in the nation. so go, new hampshire. dershowitz is involved in that case. a revolt against senator chuck schumer, the minority leader in the senate is looming because he s going to allow manchin, mr. dirty coal, to take
the fallout next. cign help save lives. by getting youto a rear for annnual check-up. so go, kw, and take control of your health. doctor pos. learn your key health numbers, and take control today. [baby talk] [child giggling] child: look, ma. no hands. children: i , j , k . [bicycle bell rings] [indistinct chatter] [telephone rings] man: hello? [boing] [laughter] man: you may kiss the bride. [applause] woman: ahh. [iistinct conversation]
call t number on your screen. [ .] this workout is all about you usg your body to create the best by you can get. o., so go c mon, frankie. .everyone s body is different. there that look at a magazineout and they say i wanna look like thaterson, instead of saying i wanna look the best th i can look. gonna look the best that you can look is using you as your own equipmen when i first started, i could not do a pusup, not a single push-up, barely a girl push-up, let alone boy push-up. and the time that i got throug i am doing moving push-upssquat push-ups, power pushps. to a push-up contest because i m c mon! two more! push! in and out! go! i lik the fact that it had that was a selling point for me,
president obama stumps for his jobs plan in pittsburgh on tuesday. he ll address international brotherhood of electrical workers at their training center. and governor rick perry will also be in pittsburgh next week. he will deliver a policy address on friday, focusing on energy and job creation. and mitt romney will have town halls across new hampshire on monday. you can see him in new hampshire. and we ll get another financial litmus test for those running for the white house next week. saturday is the deadline to announce third quarter fund-raising numbers. and now to other news, a looming showdown over the president s jobs bill. the u.s. senate is expected to vote on the measure earlier this week. the $447 billion package will be paid for by a tax on millionaires, which would raise revenues by $453 billion over ten years. it includes funding for infrastructure projects and job training. a live report on the brewing battle is just seconds away. the voices of protesters
i thought it made sense to move down to the lower 48 and she wouldn t pay too much of a price. she has not paid too much of a price for that. is she going to run? she has a lot to lose if she doesn t win the nomination because she has developed a tremendous persona. could she win the nomination? she could. i think she would be very hard to win the general. but depending on a four or five-way split, could she get 20, 25% consistently? possibly. because there has been a lot of suggestions she could win in iowa, right? of course. she probably would not have a chance in new hampshire because romney is basically native son. south carolina. but she could go on and win south carolina and then michigan, right? and then look, wolf. you have these rules on the republican side where it s winner take all. because they want to spread the contests out. this is a woman that has tremendous name recognition, and she is also very popular with social conservatives. so go, sarah, go. you