first, we ll go to the sheriff s department. there is a noos conference on hannah anderson. special agents with f.b.i. rescue team along with salt lake city division of the f.b.i. observed hannah and suspect near moorehead lake at a campsite. agents moved in to rescue hannah. the suspect is deceased. as a matter of policy the f.b.i. automatically dispatches a review team from washington to review the circumstances surrounding any situation where a special agent discharges a firearm. they will interview witnesses and determine exactly what happened. for this reason, no other details can be released at this time. when incidents like this occur, no one ever really knows where the investigation will lead. in this case our team faced
ethics hearings since 2002 so nobody knows really what to expect. and the republicans will not make as much of a show of this now because of winning in the election a couple of weeks ago. that was a big debate about whether or not this should happen before the election and after. rumor is he s going to leave in six months anyway. he s not chairman of anything. his party is not in power in the house. the noos the new york post said something that blew me away, they found some flagrant violations. you know the pac money that is gathered, usually to support candidates or other candidates, he s using that money for his legal defense which, by the way, he should sue for ineffectiveness. $295,000 taken out of pac money to pay his lawyers? in 2009, $100,000. yanked $1.4 million from his campaign coffers in 2009 and 2010 from a different fund. if you re under investigation for ethics violations, maybe