snl sketches. it would be amazing. i am currently working on a netflix documentary about hillary clinton s e-mails and the case surrounding that, because apparently that s the way to get people to find fault with authority figures. otherwise she has all of these blind mice followers who just, it s no big deal, no big deal. even though the evidence is so clearly there that she has done wrong. that s a good point, cat. where are the woodard and bernsteins? instead of investigating such things they wait for the stuff to drop then they pick through it like they are at a rummage sale and then they move on. they act like this is kind of interesting. where is the woodward bursting? i don t really get the reference. i am sorry. i am young and cool. so i don t get it. but hillary clinton we already know for a fact she is a nightmare. we know she is a liar a. we know she breaks the rules for her own benefit regardless of how it impacts national