Members of the Oversight Committee learned that the city’s noise ordinance is virtually unenforceable, a fact which residents have long decried as they struggle to live with loud neighbors and
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and author, Caris Snider, joined Tennessee Valley Living to talk about the importance of mental health awareness.
when they came out from work his girlfriend came by. she was sitting in her car next to him. she says, you need to get the car. she told him that michael had called. the police had shown up at his work. and they knew the secrets. so i called my mom and said i need to come over. and she was like, are you okay? i said no. with that her mother phoned an old acquaintance of hers. a defense attorney named penny adrian. her mom calls me up and said, i think we have a problem. there was apparently something very wrong. the next morning she went to meet with adrian. by then the story was breaking. breaking news, albuquerque police have an active crime scene investigation going on. police tell us that a confidential source told them that the remains of snider are buried underneath the garage of this home. but she just sat really
i like to get on that x that say and then stand there as long as i can until uncomfortably they finally say can you please get off? excuse me, sir, we need the carpet now. they called me ms. snider, and i told them to knock it off. tonight we went out there and they were saying something and i couldn t understand, and i realized they were saying can we just get a picture of elena and i said, yep, and i backed off. now you know how every journalist feels told to walk a red carpet when celebrities are on it. like it s a terrifying anxiety inducing experience. but we re having a great time. it s amazing. you guys have made the night. well, thank you. and you made our night, and now i want to toss it back to one of my favorite celebrities, john berman. john, john!