streets and airports with geraldo, love him. i want to get to your career highlights. is this bad, the nose breaking? this is infamous. how many people don t remember when geraldo s nose got broken on live television. we saved the chair. the checked shirt on the right-hand side. but it was the chair that broke my nose, not him. that s how it got on the news. the good thing about that aside from the fact sit generated a lot of attention. the good thing is it shows you can t be intimidated by these kkk kne nerks o-nazi punks. you have to have a courage. megyn: what are the moments you
we shouldn t be doing it at all. we have solution to our oil dependence that do not include more oil drilling. we shouldn t use any oil at all? we shouldn t use any oil at all? no, of course not. we need oil right now to power our cars and to power much of our economy but we also know that there are alternatives to oil. we can increase fuel economy and gradually decrease the amount of both foreign oil and don t mets stick oil that we need. we have to build an economy based on clean, safe, and secure power and drilling for more oil close to the shores or even further out doesn t actually solve the problem and only perpetuates the dependence. what questions should environmentalists what do you think they should be saying right now? in the nerks couple couple of weeks, can we get a climate bill that actually combines these
official and find out what is going on here. what are they going to find? look at the basic facts. it was a low level epa official and talking about going after polluters and people who break the law. third, gas production and oil production is at a sevenyear high right now. obama administration licensed 400 new permits for rigs. we have more rigs operating in the united states than anywhere else in the world. obama administration opened up millions of acres for exploration and approved part of the pipe lines including the key stone pipe line. gas prices are going down three weeks in a row. and gas prices going up, has nothing to do with the law of supply and demand. prices are still going up. because of the limited view of the market. tracey, you are shaking your head why? snerks so many.