are they telling you? of course. one week into the war my in-laws convinced me and my wife to flee from kyiv as the fighting had intensified. they made it out. we still have family in eastern ukraine in occupied area already, which is nearly surrounded. and friends. many friends and colleagues. every morning begins with a checkup how these friends are, how the fighting was, how much supply, how much water is left. it very much defends where the situation is. in kyiv the situation is much better than donetsk. we are really closely in touch with the people on the ground as much as we can. i just spoke with a representative from ukrainian advocacy group, and she referred to these humanitarian corridors as fake humanitarian corridors.
Aliancia nemá byť koalíciou, ale novou spoločnou stranou. Táto strana bude presadzovať jednoznačnú proeurópsku a proatlantickú orientáciu krajiny a princípy právneho štátu.
Hlas-SD má ambíciu byť hlavným vyzývateľom súčasnej vládnej koalície
Mimoparlamentná strana Hlas-SD si na sobotňajšom sneme 26. júna 2021 v Nitre volí ďalšieho z podpredsedov, štyroch členov predsedníctva a prijme základné programové tézy. Na sneme sa zišlo 400 delegátov z celého Slovenska. Ide o prvý riadny snem strany od jej vzniku. Na snímke predseda strany Hlas-SD Peter Pellegrini.
Foto: FOTO TASR - Henrich Mišovič
Vyhlásil to jej predseda Peter Pellegrini na sobotňajšom sneme v Nitre, na ktorom sa zúčastňuje približne 380 delegátov.
in the midwest less than 75% of corn ears could be expected and could lose 75% of the soybean yields in the future. thank you very much for that report. for more on the analysis, we want to bring in director of the earth system science center and distinguished professor. how climate change denial is destroying our politics and driving us crazy. professor man, i should say. you have heard this report. for people sitting at home and wondering what does this really mean to me, can you break it down for snem in fact we don t have to use our manlinations because we saw this play out over the last several mingtss. the unprecedented wild fires, floods, droughts, heat waves.