does, he well. who takes precedence? yes he does. he has well. who takes precedence? yes he does, he has scheduled, well. who takes precedence? yes he does, he has scheduled, the - does, he has scheduled, the scheduling order in the district of columbia at this point is for the trial to begin january two. columbia at this point is for the trial to beginjanuary two. so there will have to be some back and forth between the georgia prosecutors and the federal prosecutors, with respect to when these trials are going to occur, particularly if the georgia case we are to be postponed by a month or two now we are starting to get very close to the federal trial and that will have to be worked out. i would emphasise though there is no only one defendant in the federal case. in the district of columbia, donald trump. and that is going to be a simpler case to try. the other defendants can attend their own trial in georgia and then go up and testify when they are called to testify when they are
states were probably starting to experience fatigue, for those charging experience fatigue, for those charging trump. at this point, just add to charging trump. at this point, just add to the charging trump. at this point, just add to the circus, october, the justice. add to the circus, october, the justice, the da is not entitled to a sneedy justice, the da is not entitled to a speedy trial, trump is entitled to a sneedy speedy trial, trump is entitled to a speedy trial, trump is entitled to a speedy trial if he doesn t want it they won t speedy trial if he doesn t want it they won t have it. i don t think anything they won t have it. i don t think anything will take place this year, we re anything will take place this year, we re probably looking at march next year. we re probably looking at march next ear. ~ , . we re probably looking at march next ear. . , ., ., ., year. we re starting to get a flavour of year. we re starting to get a flavour of what year. we