Ahead of Computex next week, Qualcomm is unveiling its next generation Snapdragon processors. The next wave of high-tier Android smartphones will be powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 and the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1, with the former focused on pushing the boundaries of mobile performance, and the latter focused on bringing in-demand features and …
Redmi K40 with Snapdragon 7-series SoC should shake up stagnating AnTuTu midrange smartphone performance chart currently dominated by Dimensity and Kirin chips
The Redmi K40 could be the first smartphone to feature the new Snapdragon 7-series chipset. (Image source: Qualcomm/HT Tech)
AnTuTu has published its midrange smartphone performance chart for December, and it is looking somewhat stale with the typical Dimensity (Redmi 10X) and Kirin (Huawei Nova 7) phones jostling for position. However, a potential Redmi K40 sporting a Snapdragon 7-series SoC could soon be in competition to be the fastest midrange smartphone.
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