If you report a Snapchat account, the account owner will receive an email notification from Snapchat. The email will state that the account has been reported and will provide instructions on how to appeal the decision. If the account owner does not appeal the decision, the account will be permanently deleted.Snapchat will investigate the report […]
It’s pretty easy to close your Snapchat account if you no longer want to use the service. You can do it directly from the app or through the Snapchat website. However, there are a few things you should know before you delete your account, such as what will happen to your snaps and chat history. […]
It can be really frustrating when someone you’re trying to communicate with on Snapchat suddenly blocks you. If you think that someone has blocked you on Snapchat, there are a few ways you can try to confirm this. Once you have confirmed that you have been blocked, you can report the account to Snapchat if […]