opportunity at all to convince trump to hit the brakes on some whacky or destructive idea. he s less inclined today to preview his decisions. here s how it might play out in the early days of the administration. the president sees something on television, he doesn t like it. it makes him think maybe i should fire the secretary of commerce or we should pull out of that treaty it s really a terrible treaty after all. he might tee up a tweet, then he bounces it off the next aide he talks to who s stunned to discover the terrible idea is tip of brain for the president of the united states and might be on the brink of becoming reality. the aide finds the president disinterested in thinking through the consequences. we re going to do this today, okay, tell sean to get rider. he wants press secretary sean spicer prepared to defend it to the death. staff throw up the bat signal calling a snap meeting or teleconference. he s about to do something, one warns the group explaining what the preside
whacky or destructive idea. he s less inclined today to preview his decisions. here s how it might play out in the early days of the administration. the president sees something on television, he doesn t like it. it makes him think maybe i should fire the secretary of commerce or we should pull out of that treaty it s really a terrible treaty after all. he might tee up a tweet, then he bounces it off the next aide he talks to who s stunned to discover the terrible idea is tip of brain for the president of the united states and might be on the brink of becoming reality. we re going to do this today, okay, tell sean to get rider. he wants press secretary sean spicer prepared to defend it to the death. staff throw up the bat signal calling a snap meeting or teleconference. he s about to do something, one warns the group explaining what the president is about to announce. he can t do this. we ll all look like idiots and he ll get murdered for it in the press, the other explains.
both xi jinping and kim jong-un to say no more meetings like that before june. the president saying xi jinping is a world class poker player and if given the reverse role, he probably would have done the same thing. trace? yeah, and separately, john, president trump commenting on a report that an fbi informant talked to some members of his campaign. yeah, yesterday he called a snap meeting with rod rosen stein and chris wray, the fbi director to tell them point blank, you re going to provide congressional investigators with the documents they want in terms of what led up to the fisa request to start surveilling members of the president s campaign. he instructed john kelly to get together with the doj, the fbi,the director of national intelligence and congressional investigators like trey gowdy and devin nunes and give them everything that they want. the president also very strong today about the idea that there was an fbi informant that is
and as we suspected, it was the intermediate range missile the same one they launched over japan a couple weeks ago causing air raid sirens to go off again for many residents of hokkaido. the first time since world war ii that people in japan are hearing air raid sirens and being told what to do in the event of an attack. very, very troubling for people in the region. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley talking about the fact that diplomatic options may be running out which when she was speaking from washington just ahead of the emergency security council snap meeting. she said that there are plenty of military options, and president trump alluding to that as well. i can tell you what i was in north korea just last week, none of that rhetoric from washington is intimidating them. in fact, they say these sanctions and the pressure from washington and the u.n. just makes them want to accelerate their weapon s program further and test more missiles like this. will, you ve spent
the last week. he, too, while out of the country and in transit has been notified of the national security situation from the vice president s andrea thomas, his national security advisor. we have been given guidance that when the vice president tweaks in panama, me may address the situation in barcelona. that is something for us to be watching this afternoon. while the vice president has been in south america meeting with partner nations there. this is something he is already cutting his trip short from panama, he will be back tomorrow to meet with kamp said to meet with the president and the national security team nap meeting is set to be about afghanistan and concerns in asia. when you have a situation like