Anything that distracts from the war in Gaza and eases international pressure on Israel cannot be in Iran’s interest, says international security expert Stefan Wolff from the University of Birmingham.
US President Joe Biden is trying to thread the eye of the needle, by putting some daylight between himself and Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, says Carl Skadian, senior associate director at the Middle East Institute, NUS.
The announced changes to the Central Provident Fund system can have incremental but meaningful effects on Singaporeans’ retirement adequacy, says the Institute of Policy Studies’ Christopher Gee.
With the SkillsFuture Credit top-up, access to subsidised diploma and a training allowance, individuals could be pulled towards upskilling proactively instead of being pushed by circumstances, says NTU economics assistant professor Chua Yeow Hwee.
While the official presidential election result is yet to be confirmed, it looks highly likely that the near future of Indonesia will be significantly shaped by the dynamics between Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo, says Indonesia analyst Dedi Dinarto.